Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Pumpkin Hoe

The Pumpkin Hoe is loosely based on Soul Eater's Blaire the witch, She came about from a private joke with a friend concerning one of Blaire's spells which was essentially "Pumpkin pumpkin pumpken HO!" Like the kamehameha of pumpkins I guess.

Proportionately shes a little off in the right hand and her chest but since 'm still only getting the hang of drawing people on Coral Draw I am still really pleased with how she turned out. If you zoom on her magic blue flame thing u might be able to see that its actually a little pumpkin made out of blue flame (so much detail lost in the small size) and that's it for this time.

Monday, 20 August 2012


, This is Sluagh. Sluagh is my interpretation of the Irish mythological creatures of the same name.
Legend has it, the Sluagh are earth bound spirits too wicked for heaven, but not evil enough for hell. They fly in from the west, drawn to places where there are people on their death bed. The Sluagh are said to capture the soul of the newly deceased damning it to roam the earth forever.

So i decided that Sluagh was kind of like a ghost/grim reaper thing. . .so I combined the two classic depictions into a ghost that wears skeletal parts. The head was inpired by hollow's mask from Bleach and his hair was made orange because is in former life he was an Irish farmer who was stereotypical and ginger.

Nowadays I like to think he is more prankster than wicked. With modern medicine and people living longer or getting resuscitated, Sluagh gets confused. Thinking he can take a soul and being denied his chance, he takes his revenge by playing tricks on the living.  

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


So In a continuation of the sudden influx of creativity today is bringing here is a line drawing of me and my Ninetales, Tale. I'm happy enough with how this turned out except that left eye a little too small and the BW HP/EP bar is crooked  but these things aren't bothering me enough to fix

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Pencil Drawing Syrin

My First Request: Pkmn Trainer Syrin =]

Thank you MarvelSyrin

So I was Browsing /Pokemon as usual and saw this post from MarvelSyrin about a Narwhal Pokémon  they had designed when they were younger. I really loved the concept so I quickly gave it a go taking a few creative freedoms. . .came out kinda like a dragon but just wanted to say thanks MarvelSyrin for the quick flash of inspiration and I hope you enjoy my version of Narwhok as much as I enjoyed yours =]

Original post:

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


SO In another flush of sheer boredom I decided 'd draw my Pokémon Soul Silver team, I restarted the game so they are all still pretty much babies, Just to fill up the  page a little here are their names and current National dex numbers.

Brumble (Beedrill) #015
Robin     (Pidgey)  #016
Mr. Bitey(Ekans)  #023
Quilligan (Quilava) #156
Hoots (Hoothoot)  #163
Egg    (Toegepi)    #175

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Pic Bombardment

This is the 2nd pic of buttoneye and my desktop background
 Hello, Imaginary readers, Since I have been very neglectful to this blog please enjoy this bombardment of every finished picture I have done on my graphics tablet since Christmas, This post is dedicated to my friend Anna C. Who is stuck in hospital at the moment, Get well soon Anna =]
The pumpkin in this is based on a tattoo i designed for a friend
This Guy was created in a second year art project, he later became buttoneye, this is his digital revamp

Tried an owl

The first button eye

attempt at a biomech heart

first attempt at a 2 tone effect. It was also a birthday gift for a friend

Litwik inspired

Based on a friends tattoo

First attempt at realisticy flames, i ended up liking the hand better

And finally, A stylised Self portrait.

Monday, 2 January 2012

How I want It to Look

So My friend Nin won a tattoo which looks like this

And I got a graphics tablet for Christmas (thanks mum and dad) so in one of my usual caffeinated nights of no sleep (which I only have myself to blame for because I don't pay attention to the clock) I got bored and decided to draw it the way I think it should have been done. Below is the end result.