Wednesday, 6 June 2012


SO In another flush of sheer boredom I decided 'd draw my Pokémon Soul Silver team, I restarted the game so they are all still pretty much babies, Just to fill up the  page a little here are their names and current National dex numbers.

Brumble (Beedrill) #015
Robin     (Pidgey)  #016
Mr. Bitey(Ekans)  #023
Quilligan (Quilava) #156
Hoots (Hoothoot)  #163
Egg    (Toegepi)    #175

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Pic Bombardment

This is the 2nd pic of buttoneye and my desktop background
 Hello, Imaginary readers, Since I have been very neglectful to this blog please enjoy this bombardment of every finished picture I have done on my graphics tablet since Christmas, This post is dedicated to my friend Anna C. Who is stuck in hospital at the moment, Get well soon Anna =]
The pumpkin in this is based on a tattoo i designed for a friend
This Guy was created in a second year art project, he later became buttoneye, this is his digital revamp

Tried an owl

The first button eye

attempt at a biomech heart

first attempt at a 2 tone effect. It was also a birthday gift for a friend

Litwik inspired

Based on a friends tattoo

First attempt at realisticy flames, i ended up liking the hand better

And finally, A stylised Self portrait.